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2018 EuPA School on
Practical Proteomics in Vienna

16th to 20th of July 2018


Juri Rappsilber

Wilhelm Haas

Kris Gevaert

Christian Huber

Boris Macek

Victoria Dorfer

Ilaria Piazza

Benjamin Orsburn

Peter Mowlds

Sega Ndiaye

Sebastian Virreira Winter

Sebastian Dorl

Thematic Focus

Accurate and precise TMT Quantification

Sequencing of 6000 proteins per hour?

Advances in targeted proteomics by PRM

Cross-linking (XL-MS)

Limited proteolysis

Proteome Bioinformatics


Modern biology frequently applies high throughput technology-driven approaches, such as mass spectrometry-based proteomics. We offer an interactive discussion panel of and for scientists to drive development and encourage outside the standard tool-box thinking.

Conf. Speaker

Confirmed speakers

  • Viktoria Dorfer, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Austria

  • Sebastian Dorl, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Austria

  • Kris Gevaert, VIB-UGent, Belgium

  • Wilhelm Haas, Massachusetts General Hospital; Harvard Medical School, USA

  • Christian Huber, University Salzburg; Christian Doppler Laboratory, Austria

  • Boris Macek, University Tübingen, Germany

  • Peter Mowlds, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Hemel Hempstead, UK

  • Sega Ndiaye, Thermo Fisher Scientific, France

  • Benjamin Orsburn, ThermoFisher Scientific, USA

  • Ilaria Piazza, Institute of Biochemistry; ETH Zürich, Switzerland

  • Juri Rappsilber, TU Berlin, Germany; Wellcome Centre for Cell Biology, UK

  • Sebastian Virreira Winter, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Germany

Organization & Contact


Head of Organization

Claudia Ctortecka



Organizing Committee

  • Doppler Philipp

  • Hoi David

  • Orbán-Németh Zsuzsanna

  • Stieger Christian

EuPA Education Committee

Karl Mechtler


Phone: 0043-1-79044 4280


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